Sunday, September 14, 2008

Gift Giving 101 and Sexy Lingerie

The holidays are almost upon us. For those of us who celebrate Christmas in one form or another the commercialism is cranking up to it's usual tiresome decibel levels.

Not that I don't like some hullaballoo and family time at Christmas, but quality certainly tops quantity in my humble opinion.

When I was a young child, yes even me, I made my own gifts. You know, the ones you can make in art class like the sprayed gold macaroni necklace or the handprint in the clay ashtray (even though there were no smokers in our family). Homemade birthday and Christmas cards were accepted with delight. Now when I was a teen and above that kind of thing (but still had no money) I would buy my mother those glitzy Christmas brooches and my dad cotton handkerchiefs. Isn't it funny how I'm revealing my age-group just talking about gifts I made and gave? Those gifts were also graciously accepted but often stored away in the depths of a closet somewhere only to be rediscovered by some puzzled archeologist in the distant future.So, I was actually going somewhere with this - oh yes, Gift Giving 101 and sexy lingerie. Homemade gifts are truly the best whether they be cookies, a bottle of wine in a homemade bag, a family photo etc.

Perhaps you don't really feel like sticking your hand in wet clay or spray painting macaroni designs - don't fret, I have a solution for you.

I am making the assumption that you, the reader, are over the age of 18 - if not - stop reading this immediately!

Now that I know we are all adults here, I can give you my win-win gift idea. If you are female - no matter your size or shape, you have that je ne sais quoi that dazzles and confuses humans of the male persuasion. Buying yourself some curve enhancing sexy lingerie is just putting icing on the cake. You may think you are buying yourself a gift, but when your partner gets an eyeful of that gift wrapping they will be singing Joy To the World!

Ok, so if you're male, you also have the win-win option of buying some sexy lingerie for your beloved. She will think you see her as a sex goddess and deserving of such a thoughtful gift and those come hither looks will start scorching the air between you. But you win, as you see that incredible package you provided the wrapping for, slowly and enticingly unwrap herself just for you.

See? Win-win - sneaky to the core. Not quite homemade but definitely a home project!

Happy Holidays!

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