Monday, July 27, 2009

Lingerie For Women With Real Bodies

I hate looking at lingerie ads. Oh, the lingerie is not the problem. The models are. What woman who lives a real life has a body like that? I don't! If you are like me, it is important to know there is lingerie for women with real bodies like us girls.

It wasn't long ago that women who were not size one were pretty much out of luck when it comes to lingerie. The choices basically boiled down to industrial bras similar to something Madonna wears in her concerts and big, formless and definitely unsexy panties. Fortunately, this grim assessment no longer applies today.

Lingerie designers have awoken and realized that there is a bit section of the market that does not find a g-string the size of tooth floss to be an option. This has led to an explosion in options for us women with real bodies. When I say explosion, I mean it. Every single form of lingerie now comes in a size for real bodied women in addition to all those malnourished super models we see in the magazines. How is that for progress?

Of course, not every piece of lingerie is perfect for every woman. Some just go with certain body types and some do not. The key, of course, is to understand this rule and how it applies to your specific situation. Every woman has parts of her body that she loves and parts that make her want to find out more about plastic surgery. Often we like to emphasize our breast, but not so much our derriere. If this sounds like you, why not wear a plunge bra that enhances cleavage with a longer silk robe that hides your rear? Remember, emphasize the good and move the eyes away from the not so good.

A second issue where us normal gals can go wrong with lingerie has to do with sizing. We often equate smaller to better. This can be true with the amount of material used in the piece of lingerie. This is not the same as saying a smaller size is better. Do not confuse the two. Buy a style of lingerie that emphasizes your assets, but make sure to buy the right size. Going one or two sizes smaller than you would normally wear is not going to make you look good and is going to be uncomfortable as well. It is hard to be sexy if you are uncomfortable.

Waif-like super models are great and all when it comes to fashion, but we real women need something more realistic for us. Fortunately, there are plenty of options available for us today.

Monday, July 20, 2009

How to Buy Women's Underwear Online - A Guide For Men

At some time in your partnership, you will probably want to surprise your lady a sexy Christmas gift or sexy anniversary present. Nothing tacky, but something that lets her know that you think that she is beautiful & desirable. At the same time though, you don't really feel brave enough to walk into your high street retailer.

But, as always, the internet can come to your aid. We are fortunate that here in the UK there are a number of reputable online retailers of sexy women's underwear. The question is, how do you choose one & how do you know what type of womens underwear will send the right kind of message to your lady? When selecting an online retailer of lingerie, the kinds of things you need to checkout are

1) What security do they Offer as far as your payment & personal information are concerned?

2) What are their lead times?

3) Are the items available for order currently in stock & available for immediate dispatch?

Make sure that that your selected website has a either their own secure server or that their payment partner is hosted on a secure server. Normally the site will have an information page detailing the sites policy on payments and privacy. Most good sites will also let you know how soon it will be for your order to be dispatched. Usually it will be within one to two days for available stock items. But it is important to note what the sites policy is with respect to stock. The last thing you want to do is order your lady some sexy lingerie and then have to wait weeks for it to be delivered.

By the way, you may also want to check what the sites return policy is, just in case you get the size wrong or she hates what you've bought for her. What are the most popular items to get for your girl without making her feel like a porn star or cheap. (Although that could be a fun theme if you're both open minded & can enjoy a laugh together)

Generally something luxurious such as a sexy corset or a babydoll will be a winner. Women's underwear comes in a number of styles and colours, so make sure you select something that will suit her personality. If you are really stuck, you can't go wrong with red. If you need some specific help as far as style or sizing is concerned, check out the frequently asked questions on the site you have chosen. Most of all chaps, have fun. Don't take thing too overly seriously. Take a good look at what is out there.

Remember, it will be well worth it to see her dress up in the sexy lingerie that you have chosen, especially if she feels confident & sexy while wearing it.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Rethinking Seductive and Sexy Lingerie

When the topic of lingerie is brought up, you might cringe a bit about your personal collection. Many women go wrong with lingerie because they try to be something they are not.

There are times when we all want to be particularly sexy. Indeed, this is why lingerie exists. That being said, you have to realize what makes you sexy when it comes to dressing seductively. Simply put, you have to know yourself.

Let's assume people view you as beautiful, but in a sweet and innocent fashion. An example would be Jennifer Anniston. Buying lingerie with leather and latex could work in certain situations, but probably is not going to in most cases. Instead, you want to highlight you strengths. With a sweet and innocent look, this means going with softer materials and colors, but cut to reveal your assets.

The sexy thing about lingerie is not what it shows so much as what it promises. It can enhance your sexy side by riding high on hips, draping down only half way of your stomach and so on. The particular approach you take does not really matter so much as you shop to focus on your strengths.

Now consider the opposite. A woman who has a sharp, strong look with a strong personality is not going to be able to pull off the innocent look. Let's use Angelina Jolie as an example. Smoking and sultry looks are what one should go for with this look. Black and red are fire colors and would be perfect. Tight fits and cuts will also emphasize the look. In contrast, an effort to look innocent and sweet would be possible, but very difficult. Pulling off the sweet, innocent, yet sharp and strong looks is nearly impossible!

Far too often, women discuss lingerie as though it is all one thing. It is not. Do all dresses fall into the same style? Do all bathing suits? How about skirts? No! Neither does lingerie. There is a style within a style when it comes to lingerie and this should be viewed as a good thing. After all, it lets you put together looks that match your strengths. The key is to recognizing this is the goal. If you match your lingerie look to your personality and body strengths, you will feel sexy and there is nothing sexier than a woman who feels sexy.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Getting the Right Bra For Your Body

The beauty of the fashion world is there number of variations and choices you have. Part and parcel to this is the fact you can try on different sizes of a style to find the one you are most comfortable with for a brand. When it comes to bras, however, most women get the sizing wrong.

You know what size you are and use that as a starting point when you go shopping for clothes. As you well know, however, a starting point on size is rarely a finishing point when it comes to finding that fit that feels just right. You might go up a size and you might go down one. Regardless, the point is to find that fit that does the trick.

Most women take the same approach when it comes to buying bras. On the one hand, this makes sense because so many bra manufacturers use slightly different measurements when assigning sizes to their products. A 36D from Goddess Bras does not fit the same as a 36D from Le Mystere. On the other hand, this approach is poor as most women approach finding a fit for a bra the incorrect way.

The vast majority of women wear bras that are the wrong size. The figures are as high as 80 percent. This results in problems ranging from headaches to sore shoulders to knots in the middle of the back to numbness in the upper body. Basically, women are suffering health problems from bras that simply are not appropriate for their body types and bust size.

So, how do you go about getting a bra that fits right? The answer is found in first understanding how the bra should work. Most women view the bra support system from top to bottom when it should be viewed from bottom to top. The band found on the bottom of the bra that runs around your body should provide 80 percent of the support for your breasts. The over the shoulder straps, in contrast, should only be providing 20 percent of the support.

Now ask yourself a question. How many of your bras fit this profile? Be honest. If you find that none of your bras do this, you need to make a major change in your bra size. Wearing a bra that complies with this 80/20 ratio can make a world of difference and you will notice it immediately. No more headaches. No more sore shoulders. No more knots in the middle of your back. Imagine it!

Bras come in many styles, colors and sizes. Styles and colors are all a matter of personal choice, but fit is not. Make sure your bra fits the 80/20 profile and you will notice immediate relief in the shoulder, neck and back regions.