Monday, July 6, 2009

Getting the Right Bra For Your Body

The beauty of the fashion world is there number of variations and choices you have. Part and parcel to this is the fact you can try on different sizes of a style to find the one you are most comfortable with for a brand. When it comes to bras, however, most women get the sizing wrong.

You know what size you are and use that as a starting point when you go shopping for clothes. As you well know, however, a starting point on size is rarely a finishing point when it comes to finding that fit that feels just right. You might go up a size and you might go down one. Regardless, the point is to find that fit that does the trick.

Most women take the same approach when it comes to buying bras. On the one hand, this makes sense because so many bra manufacturers use slightly different measurements when assigning sizes to their products. A 36D from Goddess Bras does not fit the same as a 36D from Le Mystere. On the other hand, this approach is poor as most women approach finding a fit for a bra the incorrect way.

The vast majority of women wear bras that are the wrong size. The figures are as high as 80 percent. This results in problems ranging from headaches to sore shoulders to knots in the middle of the back to numbness in the upper body. Basically, women are suffering health problems from bras that simply are not appropriate for their body types and bust size.

So, how do you go about getting a bra that fits right? The answer is found in first understanding how the bra should work. Most women view the bra support system from top to bottom when it should be viewed from bottom to top. The band found on the bottom of the bra that runs around your body should provide 80 percent of the support for your breasts. The over the shoulder straps, in contrast, should only be providing 20 percent of the support.

Now ask yourself a question. How many of your bras fit this profile? Be honest. If you find that none of your bras do this, you need to make a major change in your bra size. Wearing a bra that complies with this 80/20 ratio can make a world of difference and you will notice it immediately. No more headaches. No more sore shoulders. No more knots in the middle of your back. Imagine it!

Bras come in many styles, colors and sizes. Styles and colors are all a matter of personal choice, but fit is not. Make sure your bra fits the 80/20 profile and you will notice immediate relief in the shoulder, neck and back regions.

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