o First and foremost, do not forget to look at the care instructions for each lingerie or delicate. Most manufacturers specify exactly what to do and which cleaning procedure to avoid.
o If you follow the delicate cycle specified in most modern-day cleaners and dryers, you will be good to go. These cycles generally use cold water and easier drying cycles. Remember to use detergent meant for woolens and delicate clothes. Do not use bleach!
o Another way is putting all your lingerie is a lingerie bag and then adding it to the regular load. These bags are generally net bags which help drain the detergent and water from your lingerie and at the same time ensures that the delicates are not directly thrown into the ruthless washing cycles of twisting and turning. You can keep the washed lingerie in the same bag while putting it back into the dryer.
o Another way of cleaning your lingerie is using your washing machine as a bucket. Fill it up with cold water and detergent and soak in your lingerie in it. Keep it for half an hour. Now drain out the soapy water and fill in with clean water. Soak in the soapy lingerie in it. Drain water when cleaned and then dry by hanging out the lingerie separately.
o Drying your lingerie correctly is also very important. If possible let those dry naturally instead of a dryer. If you hang those in hangers and leave those on your shower rod while leaving for office, when you come back, those would be dry and ready for wear. That way you can save the excess heat associated with most dryers that may cause permanent damage to your satin or chiffon innerwear.
o Drycleaning becomes necessary for some sort of materials. Often silk and satin wears come with manufacturer's note of dry cleaning only. Yes we all know that dry cleaning is expensive and also requires you to drop in your inner wear with people you do not know! These days many dry cleaning agents are available in the market that can be used at home. Try one of those. If you follow the instructions, these are pretty easy to use.
o Storage is also very important when it comes to taking care of your delicates. Wrap these in soft paper and store those at the top. Do not add load on top of your lingerie stack. Remember to hang negligees, baby dolls or delicate chemise and camisoles. Otherwise the delicate wear may lose shape.
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