You've done one thing right: Buying lingerie as a gift for her will likely be a gift that keeps on giving for a long time granted you pick from a quality lingerie store.
Here's how to pull it off, no, not the lingerie, buying the lingerie. Here's a bonus before you get started: You can finally have an excuse to look at beautiful women online in minimal form fitting clothing. And now, even if you're not shopping for lingerie online, you now have an excuse the next time you get caught. Here's what to do when buying lingerie online for her.
First, get her measurements
Get her cup size, her bust size and waist size. Her dress size may come in handy as well. Dive in her closet when she's not looking with a note pad and jot down her sizes and you'll be on your way.
Here's a quick tip: Buy garments that have the right bust size for her yet are 1 cup size smaller. This should have an amplifying effect on her chest.
Second, keep her in mind
It's easy to get swept away when buying lingerie online and end up buying the lingerie that looks the best on one of the models however, this may prove to be the wrong approach. To remedy this situation, try to keep her in mind. Think of what will look good on her and fit her personal curves and empower her and excite her (which will of course excite you in turn).
Third and MOST IMPORTANTLY, get her another gift
Women are smart creatures and they'll pick up on the fact that you're buying a gift for them that has a major benefit to you. This can spell trouble and have you looking like a greedy, selfish guy. Not good. Not to worry, do the right thing and get her one more gift and no, you in lingerie does not count. If you want to make it easy and impressive, you can get her another piece of lingerie that isn't meant just for the bedroom such as a silk robe. Jewellery or shoes that she can wear during the lingerie unveiling are other good gift options as well.
Final Tip
One other smart thing to do when buying lingerie for her is to check on the return policy offered by your online lingerie store merchant. Many online lingerie stores do offer quite reasonable return policies and will allow you a certain period of time to return an item as long as it hasn't been damaged it in any way.
All of the stores listed on this site offer very reasonable return and refund policies. Some even better than what you might find in actual lingerie stores. Feel free to browse our listings when you're ready to buy lingerie online and visit some of the lingerie stores we suggest.
Oh one more thing, did I mention it`s even better when you`re buying lingerie for her when it`s not a special occasion? Just some lingerie for thought.
Flirty Lingerie has a huge selection of of sexy, well-priced lingerie for her that you can buy. They offer an excellent return-policy and competitive shipping rates too. Buying lingerie for her on this site will make both your dreams come true.